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Kalles Kaviar
The Assignment: Bring a foreign brand or product to the United States.
The Landscape: While many Swedes grew up spreading Kalles Kaviar on their morning bread - or as a late night snack after a long evening out on the town - the idea of introducing a creamed caviar to Americans was daunting. Not to mention, this creamed (cod) caviar comes in a, a toothpaste-esque tube.
The Solution: We rebranded Kalles Kaviar to help it appeal to the American consumer. The original Swedish image on the tube was replaced with a more sophisticated pattern and logotype. A triangular box was created to house the tube, and three decorative piping tips (much like icing!) were added to showcase Kalles' American voice as a "DIY Appetizer". Additionally, we developed radio spots, print ads, and a website.
Since most Americans envisage caviar as being something fancy and "high class", we decided Kalles could be an interesting and fun food used to jazz up parties and celebrations. With this rebranding and new communication, we aimed to teach Americans that Kalles Kaviar can be their "hack into luxury".
Brand Management - Kate Stewart, Khuyen Le
Strategy - Christian Clay
Copywriter - Charlie Curnow
Art Direction - Anne Marie Wonder
UX/XD - Qin Yang
My Role: Making sure it "all made sense"...and constantly asking questions related to this beloved Swedish brand. What is the history of Kalles Kaviar, and what does it mean to the average Swedish citizen? What are the obstacles of bringing such a foreign concept (Um, creamed fish roe that comes out of a tube?) to a consumer in the United States? What and how does the Kalles Kaviar brand resonate in the United States? 
Design & Packaging
The logo & package were both
redesigned to make it more 
appealing to the American consumer. 
While we didn't want to steer away 
from the unique tube design entirely, 
we felt it was important to house the tube
within more approachable packaging. 
A triangular package was created
that could also hold the three piping tips
that were included.
These piping tips are included with
each Kalles Kaviar flavor (different tips
for different flavors).
Radio Spot 1 - Kalles Kaviar
00:00 / 00:00
Radio Spot 2 - Kalles Kaviar
00:00 / 00:00
Radio Spot 3 - Kalles Kaviar
00:00 / 00:00
Our print ads were based on New Yorker magazine cartoons. Tying in the feel of something being "high class" and perhaps a little too fancy for the average American - these ads look like New Yorker ads, but you actually are in on the joke this time.

Nothing too elitist for our consumer, no! 
Banner Ad
Online Experience

© 2016 by Kate Scott Stewart. 

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